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Does all single infarction have lower risk of stroke recurrence than...

Neurology: Background Single acute infarction (SAI) usually had lower risk of stroke recurrence than multiple acute infarctions (MAIs) in minor stroke. To evaluate whether all SAI...

Identification of novel compound heterozygous SPG7 mutations-related hereditary spastic paraplegia in...

Neurology: Background Autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegias (ARHSPs) are a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative diseases with progressive spasticity and weakness in the lower...

Suicide rates in Crete, Greece during the economic crisis: the effect...

Psychiatry | Psychology: Background Recently, suicides in Greece have drawn national and international interest due to the current economic crisis. According to published reports, suicides in...

Emotion regulation and its relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression...

Psychology Background Symptoms of anxiety and depression are prevalent and highly comorbid in children, contributing to considerable impairment even at a subclinical level. Difficulties with emotion...

How group singing facilitates recovery from the symptoms of postnatal depression:...

Psychology Abstract Background Previous research has demonstrated that making music can enhance positive emotions as well as support positive psychological functioning. However, studies tend to be limited...

Neural correlates of interference resolution in the multi-source interference task: a...

Behavioral and Brain Functions Abstract Background Interference resolution refers to cognitive control processes enabling one to focus on task-related information while filtering out unrelated information. But the...

A longitudinal study on how implicit attitudes and explicit cognitions synergistically...

Psychology Abstract Background Strategies to promote physical activity (PA) focus mainly on changing or fostering explicit cognitions and are only modestly effective. Contemporary studies suggest that, as...

Rethinking the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome—a reanalysis and evaluation of...

Psychology Abstract Background The PACE trial was a well-powered randomised trial designed to examine the efficacy of graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for...

Association between baseline psychological attributes and mental health outcomes after soldiers...

Abstract Background Psychological health is vital for effective employees, especially in stressful occupations like military and public safety sectors. Yet, until recently little empirical work has...

The effect for Japanese workers of a self-help computerized cognitive behaviour...

Psychology: Abstract Background Computerized cognitive behaviour therapy (CCBT) programs can provide a useful self-help approach to the treatment of psychological problems. Previous studies have shown that CCBT...

The effect of recall, reproduction, and restudy on word learning: a...

Psychology: Abstract Background Certain manipulations, such as testing oneself on newly learned word associations (recall), or the act of repeating a word during training (reproduction), can lead...

Consequences of child emotional abuse, emotional neglect and exposure to intimate...

Psychology: Abstract Background Child maltreatment and eating disorders are significant public health problems. Yet, to date, research has focused on the role of child physical and sexual...

Quantitative analysis of axon collaterals of single pyramidal cells of the...

Junli Yang, Gerhard Litscher, Zhongren Sun, Qiang Tang, Kiyoshi Kishi, Satoko Oda,Masaaki Takayanagi, Zemin Sheng, Yang Liu, Wenhai Guo, Ting Zhang, Lu Wang, Ingrid Gaischek, Daniela Litscher, Irmgard Th. Lippe and Masaru Kuroda © The Author(s) 2017 Abstract Background The role of the piriform cortex (PC) in olfactory information processing remains largely unknown. The anterior part of the...

Warum halten Menschen ihre Versprechen?

Diktatorspiel offenbart, ob es um Selbstverpflichtung oder Erwartungserfüllung geht. Menschen unterscheiden sich von Tieren u.a. durch ein außerordentliches Ausmaß an Kooperation. (mpg/ehj) - In...

Scare factor may lead to mistaken identification

Researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London have conducted a study that highlights the fragility of eyewitness identification used within the criminal justice system. The...

Genetic Variant Predicts Antipsychotic Response for Schizophrenia Patients by Ethnicity

Schizophrenia is a developmental disorder with a large genetic component contributing to increased risk. Available antipsychotic medications treat some of the symptoms of schizophrenia,...

Selection on genes underlying schizophrenia during human evolution

Several genes with strong associations to schizophrenia have evolved rapidly due to selection during human evolution, according to new research in the Proceedings of...

Polar Expeditions: Bad And Good For The Mind

People on polar expeditions can undergo serious negative psychological changes as they struggle to adapt to their isolated, extreme and confined environment; but also...

Forscher entschlüsseln menschliches Einfühlungsvermögen

Empathie wird durch Aktivität der Spiegelneurone bestimmt (pte/hb.vt/ad) - Ein Wissenschaftsteam um Christian Keysers und Valeria Gazzola des Neuro Imaging Center der Universität Groningen, Niederlande...

Therapie kann Triebtäter nicht heilen

Experten stellen Konzept der Heilung in Frage (pte/he.vt) London/Leicester - Eine psychologische Behandlung kann bei Triebtätern die Anzahl der Wiederholungstaten senken, sie stellt aber keine...

Depressionen im Kindes- und Jugendalter werden oft nicht erkannt

Umfeld des Betroffenen kann zur Erkennung und Genesung beitragen. Bei jüngeren Menschen wird die Krankheit vielmehr durch ein Zusammenspiel von genetischen, psychologischen sowie Umweltfaktoren...

Volkskrankheit Depression: häufigster Suizidgrund

Weltweit 121 Mio. betroffen (pte/he.vt) Wien - Depressionen zählen zu den häufigsten und zugleich am stärksten tabuisierten psychischen Krankheiten. Dies erörterten heute, Mittwoch, in der...

Rolle von psychischen Faktoren bei Krankheiten erforscht

Ursache jedoch noch nicht bekannt (pte/he.vt) Heidelberg - Krebs- und Herzkreislauferkrankungen sind in den westlichen Ländern Todesursache Nummer Eins. Daher konzentrieren sich viele Wissenschaftsdisziplinen auf die...

Antidepressiva ersetzen Psychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Amerikanische Studie kritisiert neuesten Trend (pte/he.vt) Stanford - Die Diskussion um den Einsatz potenziell gefährlicher Antidepressiva, denen laut US-Gesundheitsbehörde FDA eine Erhöhung der Suizidgefahr von...
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