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Transient left atrial dysfunction is a feature of Takotsubo syndrome

Abstract Background Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is characterized by a transient left and/or right ventricular dysfunction as a consequence of a distinctive pattern of regional wall motion...

Amyloid-β 1–24 C-terminal truncated fragment promotes amyloid-β 1–42 aggregate formation in...

Abstract Substantial data indicate that amyloid-β (Aβ), the major component of senile plaques, plays a central role in Alzheimer’s Disease and indeed the assembly of...

Review of RyR1 pathway and associated pathomechanisms

Abstract Ryanodine receptor isoform-1 (RyR1) is a major calcium channel in skeletal muscle important for excitation-contraction coupling. Mutations in the RYR1 gene yield RyR1 protein...

Short-term memory is based on synchronized brain oscillations

Scientists have now discovered how different brain regions cooperate during short-term memory. Holding information within one’s memory for a short while is a seemingly...

Improving Medical Treatment Requires a Risk-based Approach to the Regulation of...

Current EU legislation represents a major hurdle to improving medical treatment due to the straight-jacket of EU legislation that the 2001 Clinical Trials Directive...

Barrett’s patients who smoke twice as likely to develop oesophageal cancer

Smoking doubles the risk of developing oesophageal cancer in people with Barrett’s Oesophagus, according to scientists at Queen’s University Belfast and the Northern Ireland...

In lab, Pannexin1 restores tight binding of cells that is lost...

By studying tumor cell behavior in a novel “scaffold-free” 3-D system, researchers have determined that the protein Pannexin1 may play an important biomechanical role...

Oxygen molecule survives to enormously high pressures

Using computer simulations, a RUB researcher has shown that the oxygen molecule (O2) is stable up to pressures of 1.9 terapascal, which is about...

Neue Aufgaben für Aurora-Proteine bei der Zellteilung

Erkenntnisse bei Spalthefe geben Hinweise für die Erforschung von Krebstherapien. Wenn eine Zelle sich teilt, muss die Erbinformation in den Chromosomen fehlerfrei an die...

Genes influence memory and sense of orientation

How do our brains process memory and sense of orientation? Scientists are gaining insight by studying rats with implanted genes that prompt neurons to...

Scientists investigate whether a blood test can help to detect breast...

A study spearheaded by the University of Leicester aims to find out whether a blood test can detect cancer, earlier than current methods, in...

Wichtiges Überlebenssignal in aggressiven Lymphomen entdeckt

Wissenschaftlern des Helmholtz Zentrums München in Zusammenarbeit mit der Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin ist es gelungen, einen essentiellen Baustein für das Überleben einer Untergruppe von bösartigen...

Glioblastom: Impfstoff verlängert bei jedem dritten Patienten die Überlebenszeit

Patienten mit Hirntumoren (Glioblastom), bei denen das Krebsgen EGFRvIII nachgewiesen wird, überleben doppelt so lang, wenn sie mit einer neu entwickelten Tumorimpfung behandelt werden....

Malaria: could the ingestion of “modified” starch be a new vaccine...

There is no efficient vaccine against malaria, although nasal and oral vaccination seems to be the most promising and suitable solution in countries where...

Trial Due Into Effects Of Myeloma Drug On Post Op Transplant...

A national clinical trial, which opens imminently, will aim to assess the impact of a novel anti-cancer drug in the setting of donor bone...

Study Finds Anti-Microbials a Common Cause of Drug-Induced Liver Injury and...

New research shows that anti-microbial medications are a common cause of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) leading to acute liver failure (ALF), with women and...

Study Suggests Earliest Brain Changes Associated with the Genetic Risk of...

What are the earliest brain changes associated with the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease? A scientific report published in the October Journal of Alzheimer’s...

The most aggressive forms of breast cancer elude the cellular control...

Scientists at IRB Barcelona have provided new data on how certain types of aggressive breast cancer bypass tumour suppression mechanisms. (ag/ehj) - About 30% of...

Bildgebung mit Neutronen: Magnetische Domänen erstmals in 3-D sichtbar

Bisher konnten magnetische Domänen nur zweidimensional abgebildet werden. Wissenschaftlern des Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) ist es nun gelungen, diese Bereiche im Inneren von magnetischen Stoffen...

Combined consumption of caffeine and glucose improves the efficiency of brain...

The combination of caffeine and glucose can improve the efficiency of brain activity, according to a recent study in which functional magnetic resonance imaging...

Abnormal blood values indicate increased mortality in PEG-operations

The combination of high CRP and low levels of the protein albumin in the blood, is associated with an increased risk of death after...

Wahrnehmungswechsel – Schlüssel zum Bewusstsein

Tübinger Wissenschaftler nutzen das Phänomen der binokularen Rivalität beim Sehen, um Gehirnfunktionen besser zu verstehen (mpg/ - Mit wehendem Mantel, das rechte Auge fest zugekniffen,...

Wenn zu Rückenschmerzen auch noch Depressionen kommen

Ärzte der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg können Betroffenen mit einer vielseitigen Therapie helfen (idw/ehj) - Chronische Rückenschmerzen gehen häufig mit Depressionen einher. Eine sogenannte multimodale Schmerztherapie,...

Evolutionärer Bestseller in der Bildverarbeitung

Nervenzellen in den Augen von Fliegen und Wirbeltieren spalten optische Informationen ähnlich auf.Das Auge ist nicht nur eine Linse, die Bilder aufnimmt und in...
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